Language teaching

Language pathways

From the Small Section onwards, our students are taught in French and English. They all receive one and a half hours of Albanian language instruction per week.

Options are available to take Latin or to continue with a language they have already studied via the CNED: Italian, Chinese, Russian, etc.


It is important to distinguish between FLE and FLSco programmes because the French language is taught with very different objectives:


FLE concerns the French language taught as a discipline in a non-French speaking school (for example, teaching French in an Albanian school). In this case, the French teaching is exclusively focused on linguistic acquisition for the purposes of cultural curiosity, business or tourism.


FLSco is about teaching French as in a French school: the language is used in class by the teachers to teach the French language but also other subjects; it is the language spoken in the canteen and on the playground, etc. Therefore, the objective of FLSco support is to teach students the French language while teaching them to become students of the French school system so that they can follow the entire curriculum in their reference class as quickly as possible and thus continue their schooling in the French school under the best conditions.


The FLSco (French as the Language of Instruction) courses are primarily aimed at pupils who have recently arrived at EFIT and who have never been taught under a French system. These pupils often do not master or are not proficient enough in the French language, nor do they have enough of a grasp of the structure in place at a French school, such as the way school life is organised, or understanding instructions, for example, in order for them to follow the teaching delivered in their reference class.

Students are selected in the following way:

  • If students do not speak French at all, they are automatically integrated once the parents give their consent and after a Personalised Educational Achievement Programme (PPRE) has been formally established.
  • For other students, a test can be taken after discussion with the teacher and family, and the student will be supported once a PPRE has been drawn up.


Intensive teaching for beginners (daily classes);

Semi-intensive teaching for students who still need help in FLSco (5 hours per week)

In-class support to help the student participate in the activities proposed by the teacher during lessons.

Do you need any further information?

The Admissions Office team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.